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Terms and Conditions

  1. For the purpose of these terms & conditions the following words shall have the following meanings:

  2. (a) “The Company” shall mean Loft Conversion Company London Limited.

  3. (b) “The Customer” shall mean the person or organisation for whom the Company agrees to carry out works &/or supply materials.

  4. 14 Day cancellation period - You are entitled to cancel your contract, in accordance with the law of England, provided that you exercise your right no longer than 14 days after the day on which you made the first payment for our services, regardless of how this payment was made. We may make a deduction from the reimbursement for any associated labour costs in relation to the project, any orders for materials that the company has placed and associated delivery costs, any services already provided, loss in value of any goods already supplied, any payments made to third parties, subcontractors or suppliers, any company time that has been spent on the project or any works that have been carried out on your project either on site or off site in preparation. To exercise the right to cancel, you must inform us of your decision to cancel your contract by a clear written statement, including details of the services that you wish to cancel, your Loft Conversion Company London Ltd client number, your name, your full street address and postcode, if different the full address of the property you have booked the services for, your phone number and email address. You can cancel by emailing us at or by sending a letter to Loft Conversion Company London Limited, 3rd Floor Hathaway House, Popes Drive, London, N3 1QF.

  5. DESIGN and BUILD SERVICES - Design services are offered at a discounted rate of 50% below our design only costs as part of our design and build services. If the client cancels the full design and build services at any point before the total completion of the design and build project cancellation will incur the full fee for the design service, the client will be required to pay the additional 50% for the design services plus  administrative fees, to be calculated on a case by case basis, this will be calculated by the company and invoiced to the client within 28 days of receipt of the clients cancellation letter. Upon cancellation the licence and permission to use any drawings produced by LCCL Construction for any purposes will be withdrawn and no further work will be carried out on any aspect of the design and or build process, except in extenuating circumstances which are at the sole discretion of the company. Cancellation of the building services by the client after the 14 day cooling off period will inccur a charge of 30% of the total estimated build cost provided to the client, the sum will be calculated by the company and an invoice sent to the client within 28 days of receipt of the client‘s cancellation letter being received. All outstanding balances resulting from client cancellation will be due to be paid in full via bank transfer to the company within 14 days of the invoice being issued. Any overdue payments outstanding after this time will incur interest charges at 19% compounded monthly. 

  6. PAYMENTS LCCL - Construction operates a policy of staged payments for the build stages, a breakdown of these stages shall be provided to the client ahead of commencing the build. Each stage payment must be transferred to the company in full ahead of work commencing on that stage. The company reserves the right to bring stages forward where the project is running ahead of schedule, any changes will be notified to the client before the invoice is issued. Any delays in payment by the client can lead to work on site being delayed or stopped The Company shall be entitled not to proceed with the provision of the Service and thereby cancel the order for the Service at any time (and will so report promptly to the Client) if, after arriving at the Property, it is concluded that it is a type of construction of which the Company has insufficient specialist knowledge to be able to provide the Service satisfactorily.  In the case of cancellation by the Company, the Company will refund any money paid by the Client for the Service, except for expenses reasonably incurred.  In the case of cancellation by the Company, the reason will be explained to the Client.

  7. The Operative or Engineer, Tradesmen, Contractors, Architects, Project Managers Plumbers, Surveyors, Electricians or Labourers shall mean the representative appointed by the Company. 

  8. The Company reserves the right to refuse or decline work at its own discretion. Where the Company agrees to carry out works for the Customer those works shall be undertaken by the designated operative of Company at its absolute discretion.

  9. HOURLY RATE WORK. The total charge to the Customer shall consist of the cost of materials supplied by the Company (not exceeding the trade purchase price of materials + 30%) & the amount of time spent by the operative in carrying out works (including all reasonable time spent in obtaining unstocked materials) charged in accordance with the Company’s current hourly rates. 

  10. Proposed work, quoted work, fixed cost work, items not priced for and estimated cost work the cost issued are all estimated costs, is not a guarantee of final costs and customer agree that if additional materials costs and labour costs are required or tools to hire are required for any reason then customer agrees to pay the extra costs occurred weather verbally, message, over the phone, letter by post or email. 

  11. FIXED PRICE WORK shall be given as a firm cost, (manifest errors exempted) including Labour & Materials, and shall be within 10% over and above the equivalent total hourly rate cost. All costs are plus VAT at the prevailing rate. Payments are set out in stages therefore both parties can breakaway and terminate services given the stages are completed and paid for, however if there is an outstanding balances the company reserves the right to stop the work until balances are fully cleared at which point the client and the company will have a discussion whether to continue or stop the work. Company will not be required to continue the work as well as the customer would not be required to continue the work.

  12. Once the company has left the site location or project it is the full responsibility of the customer from there on and customer carries the sole liability of the site location or that project.

  13. Where a written estimate has been supplied to the Customer the total charge to the Customer referred to in the estimate should not exceed the actual time taken by more than 20% but may be revised in the following circumstances:(i) if after submission of the estimate the Customer instructs the Company (whether orally or in writing) to carry out additional works not referred to in the estimate. (ii) if after submission of the estimate there is an increase in the price of materials. (iii) if after submission of the estimate it is discovered that further works need to be carried out which were not anticipated when the estimate was prepared. (iv) if after submission of the estimate it is discovered that there was a manifest error when the estimate was prepare. (v) should a detailed Insurance Report be required in addition to the estimate and invoice then this will incur a nominal charge of £55.00.

  14. Online instant quote calculator is not a guarantee of costs and shall not be used on accurate cost basis or decision making. Company is still required to verify each and every project and then issue proposals, every project is different and no two projects are the same therefore the costs would require a human to asses and take through stages of costing the project.

  15. Company reserves the right not to tender for the projects with or without notices and has no obligation to liability for any reason, delay or any other factors.

  16. The Company shall not be under any obligation to provide an estimate to the Customer & shall only be bound (subject as hereinafter) by estimates given in writing to the Customer & signed by a duly authorised representative of the Company. The Company shall not be bound by any estimates given orally or in which manifest errors occur.

  17. Material Collection.

  18. Collection of non-stock items is chargeable but:

  19. (a) Time must be kept to a minimum & reasonable.

  20. (b) If the collection time is likely to exceed 45 minutes the customer must be additionally informed of the circumstances.

  21. (c) Only one engineer or company representative is allowed to leave the job to collect parts.

  22. Invoices are due for payment immediately upon delivery to the Customer. Any part of that invoice which remains unpaid shall carry interest at the rate of 10% over the base rate until payment in full is received by the Company.

  23. Where the date &/or time for works to be carried out is agreed by the Company with the Customer, then the Company shall use its best endeavours to ensure that the operative shall attend on the date & at the time agreed. However, the Company accepts no liability in respect of the non attendance or late attendance on site of the operative/engineer or for the late or non delivery of materials.

  24. The Customer shall accept sole liability to discharge the Company's account unless he/she discloses to the Company when initially instructing the Company to carry out work &/or supply materials that he/she is acting on behalf of a third party (including, but not limited to, a Limited Company or partnership) & receiving a written estimate) the name of the third party appears on the written estimate.

  25. If the Customer cancels their instructions prior to any work being carried out or materials supplied then the Customer shall be liable for any related expenditure together with the profit that would have been made by the Company had the work been carried out &/or materials supplied in accordance with such instructions.

  26. If, after the Company shall have carried out the works, the Customer is not wholly satisfied with the works then the Customer shall give notice in writing within 12 months to the Company & shall afford the Company, and its insurers, the opportunity of both inspecting such works, & carrying out any necessary remedial works if appropriate. The Customer accepts that if he/she fails to notify the Company as aforesaid then the Company shall not be liable in respect of any defects in the works carried out.

  27. The Guarantee shall be for labour only in respect of faulty workmanship for 12 months from the date of completion with the manufacturers warranty in force. The Guarantee will become null & void if the work/appliance completed/supplied by the Company is:

  28. (a) Subject to misuse or negligence.

  29. (b) Repaired, modified or tampered with by anyone other than a Company operative. The Company will accept no liability for, or guarantee suitability, materials supplied by the Customer & will accept no liability for any consequential damage or fault.

  30. The company will not guarantee any work in respect of blockages in waste & drainage systems etc.

  31. The company will not guarantee any work undertaken on instruction from the customer & against the written or verbal advice of the operative/engineer.

  32. Work is guaranteed only in respect of work directly undertaken by the company & payment in full has been made. Any non-related faults arising from recommended work which has not been undertaken by the company will not be guaranteed.

  33. The company shall not be held liable or responsible for any damage or defect resulting from work not fully guaranteed or where recommended work has not been carried out. Work will not carry a guarantee where the customer has been notified by the operative either verbally or indicated in ticked boxes or in Comments/ Recommendations of any other related work which requires attention.

  34. The customer shall be solely liable for any hazardous situation in respect of Corgi Regulations, Gas Warning Notice Or Asbestos issued.

  35. Where the Company agrees to carry out works on installations of inferior quality or over ten years old at that date no warranty is given in respect of such works & the Company accepts no liability in respect of the effectiveness of such works or otherwise.

  36. Engineers operate under their own Gas Safe Registration & as such are solely responsible for any Gas related work & subsequent liability.

  37. The Company shall be entitled to fully recover costs or damages from any operative/engineer/contractor whose negligence or faulty workmanship results in the Company being made liable for those damages or rectification of the work.

  38. These terms & conditions may not be released, discharges, supplemented, interpreted, varied or modified in any manner except by an instrument in writing signed by a duly authorised representative of the Company & by the Customer. Further, these terms & conditions shall prevail over any terms & conditions used by the Customer or contained or set out or referred to in any documentation sent by the Customer to the Company; by entering into a contact with the Company the Customer agrees irrevocably to waive the application of any such terms & conditions.

  39. Title to any goods, supplied by the Company to the Customer shall not pass to the Customer but shall be retained by the Company until payment in full for such goods has been made by the Customer to the Company.

  40. Until such time as title in the such goods has passed to the Customer:

  41. (i) the Company shall have absolute authority to repossess, sell or otherwise deal with or dispose of all any or part of such goods in which title remains vested in the Company,

  42. (ii) for the purpose specified in (i) above, the Company or any of its agents or authorised representatives shall be entitled at any time & without notice to enter any premises in which goods or any part thereof is installed, stored or kept, or is reasonably believed so to be.

  43. (iii) the Company shall be entitled to seek a court injunction to prevent the Customer from selling, transferred or otherwise disposing of such goods.

  44. Notwithstanding the foregoing, risk in such goods shall pass on delivery of the same to the Customer, & until such time as title in such goods has passed to the Customer, the Customer shall insure such goods to their replacement value & the Customer shall forthwith, upon request, provide the Company with a certificate or other evidence of such Insurance.

  45. The Company shall not be liable for any delay or for the consequences of any delay in performing any of its obligations if such delay is due to any cause whatsoever beyond its reasonable control, & the Company shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of the time for performing such obligations.

  46. The Company shall only be liable for rectifying works completed by the Company & shall not be held responsible for ensuing damage or claims resulting from this or other work overlooked or subsequently requested & not undertaken at that time.

  47. These terms & conditions & all contacts awarded between the Company & Customer shall be governed & construed in accordance with English law & shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English law.

  48. If the client has started any of the services with our "company" the client can not go to any of our suppliers, contractors or subcontractors, including architects, structural engineers, project managers directly without our company consent to start services with them directly. This spoils the business and penalties occur at rate of 30% plus VAT of the total job price, priced at the beginning or after of the job. The customer will occur this charges right away and they will have to be paid within 7 days however if the customer refuses the penalty for late payments are charged at £200 per day plus VAT till invoices are cleared. Our company is not held liable for any losses caused. 

  49. Late payments on outstanding balances occur charges of £200 per day plus VAT and plus national interest base rate charges daily.

  50. The customer agrees to our terms of the policy and conditions when they have given us the go ahead or paid monies to our accounts via transfers whether verbally, message or via email.

  51. The drawings produced by other parties such as architects, engineers or surveyors or any other consultants. If the drawings or structural drawings and calculations are not accurate or they have a faulty design then the work will automatically become none guaranteed by the company and any warranty is void and the liability for the remedial or rectification work relies with the consultant or person that has produced the drawings or structural drawings and structural calculation. 

  52. If customer cancels or fires or  the Company, or company stops the work due to outstanding balances and customer refuses to pay for the outstanding balances, or both parties do not get along and work stops then all the work on site done by the company will not be insured or warrantied. All the liability is than with the client/customer and the company is not liable for any of the work done. As a result this spoils the business and client will occur financial penalties which client is liable to pay to the Company and liability to the client will occur at rate of 30% plus VAT of the total job price for loss of business, priced at the beginning or after of the job and any outstanding invoices, or works done on the project location, consultation work for the project, work in the office, out of hours works, admin costs, council costs, legal fees costs, insurance costs and any third party costs such as third party consultant costs (surveyors, architects, council building control or any associated costs) scaffolding, skips, merchants materials and any other associated costs the client will be liable to pay for. The customer will occur this charges right away and they will have to be paid within 7 days however if the customer refuses the penalty for late payments are charged at £200 per day plus VAT till invoices are cleared. Our company is not held liable for any losses caused. 

  53. If customer decide to stop the work for any reason and use third party to finish of the stages remaining without notice or agreement with the company of how both parties will move forward, then company reserves the right to leave the project/job with or without notice. The company is then able to stop the work and not be held liable for any of the work done, not held liable for any guarantee, all the liability is solely within the owner/client of the project. The company then can issue the invoice to recover the losses caused by the client and necessary recovery steps. The company will issue a final stages invoice and charge £200 per day if the invoice remains unpaid eventually resulting in recovery proceedings. The clause 50 would apply to clause 51 and same procedure will apply.

  54. On work such as Piling, Ground work, foundations, drainage, structurals RSJ, roofing, carpentry framing, plumbing, electrical, bricklaying, plastering or rendering, tiling, flooring, fireproofing, zinc cladding ect.. is done either by sub-contractors or the work is referred to other companies 'the company' is acting as a referral agency to pass the work on meaning that we would act on behalf of the client to pass their details to other specialist company. All the work on site/project done by either sub contractor or refered company they will be fully liable for the work and 'Company' is got nothing to do with it. The company may use subcontractors for the whole project including design phases and construction phases the sub contractors will be liable for all the work undertaken.. However the company might charge fees for referrals to the other companies. It is client/customer duty to check referred company and sub contractors compliance such as insurances, warranties or experience it is not the duty of 'the company'. We advise that clients/customers have competent CDM personnel, principal architect designers and planners, screening and construction project management personnel(minimum 20 years experience in construction accredited with RICS or MCIOB) on site all the time, qualified and accredited RICS or MCIOB with at least 20 years experience and proven track record of successful construction projects completed quality and supervising construction surveyors, engineers and surveyors, local building control to inspect the work at every point in place before hiring any of the subcontractors or refered companies, all will need to be approved by clients consultants at their own discretion and their own decisions. The 'company' is not liable for any of the work or referral. Any rectifying will be liability of the sub contractor as this sub contractors are the guarantee for the work. The client will need to contact the subcontractors them self to resolve any issues. Company does not guarantee any part of the work. 

  55. All materials are supplied by merchants and the merchants are liable for the materials. In the event of faulty materials, wrong materials delivered, exchanges or any other event then the client will need get in touch with the merchant for the resolution. Merchants or manufactures are liable for the materials, products and they are liable for guarantees and certifications required by EN British standards. If products faulty after installations clients need to get in touch with merchants, manufacturers or sub contractors to come to a resolution of rectifying the work or if materials are faulty or they fail the clients need to get in touch with merchants, manufacturers or sub contractors to come to resolution or rectifying the work/materials, the company does not accept liability or guarantee the work.

  56. Accuracy of the costs are dependent on the final design, structural design and party wall agreements, the conditions are also subject to building control assessment remotely and on project location where changes may be required, given these occurrences there would than be a price adjustment to the estimate. It would not be possible to produce 100% accurate costs as there are many factors that can influence the final costs. For these reason we always would recommend contingency is in place before the start of any type of the project. Lccl construction reserves the right to refuse work, refuse consultation services or refuse any of its services at its own discretion without notice or reason. Lccl construction does not guarantee the estimate cost and its customers should not use the estimate to base their decisions. The customers are expected to gain a minimum of 5 quotes and than compare the costs before making their own decisions.

  57. All of company services are optional and not limited.

  58. Roofing guarantee lays within the subcontracted roofing company and the clients need to contact the subcontracted company in case of any leaks. If the roof and any part of has been tempered with, modified, cut or purposely caused to leak the roof will then be invalid and guarantee will stop immediately, the guarantee is only valid for 12 months. First the company will asses the cause if deem that it is due to material, extreme weather like to hot or to cold the guarantee then will not apply nor will if the roof has been tempered with. Client will then have to pay again to get it repaired. If it does happen that it is due to the subcontractor fault the subcontractor will then repair the issue meaning the labour charge of maximum of £400 including VAT will be covered, but the client will have to provide any access to the roof of the affected area and any materials required to repair the issue.

  59. Window leaks, around window leaks, seals, draft or condensations, mechanical issues or glazing issues with frames or frame less, is not guarantee of the company and the company does not supply them or install the windows of any kind. Any leaks around the window company will not repair nor seal this is down to the window company. If there are mechanical issues with skylights such as Velux, Fakro or skylight company, windows any kind, customers need to get in touch with the manufacturing company to replace any parts and repair the issue themselves. Company does not guarantee any part of it. 

  60. The company does not guarantee or take responsibility of any part of damage of internal or external areas or surrounding areas to any part of buildings and neighbouring buildings and its contents in any event during or after construction of the entire project.  The company is not responsible for any type of tv antennas, tv signals, restoring tv signals, repairing or replacing any type of tv antennas, any type of cable services or cables in connection to the house. Company is not responsible for any mains water burst or in need of replacements, gas burst or in need of replacements or electricity bursts or need of replacements, internet or phone bursts or in need of replacements all house or building services reconnections the company is not liable for and sole responsibility is within the building owner or landlords or freeholders or leaseholders.  

  61. All tools, skips and materials are owned or leased by the company on site. However liabilities for scaffolding or leased tools or machinery or skips rely on the contracted scaffolding company or tool hire shop or skip company in any event and they will rectify or make good any issues arising from scaffolding, tool hire or skip companies. Material clearance unless agreed by the client company will remove these, customer can ask the company to keep the materials on site given that the company grants the permissions. in the event where the customer refuses the access the charges would occur from either tool hire shop or scaffolding company and the client will be responsible for this costs and the client will have to pay in full this costs to the contractors. In the event where scaffolding will run over the hire date the client will need to pay for the extension of the hire of the scaffolding or the scaffolding will be removed with immediate effect, however if the work is incomplete on site due to client refusal to extend the scaffolding lease then client will be liable to finish the work or find another scaffolding company and contractors, client pay for their services in order to complete the remaining works. 

  62. Delivery of materials or delivery from steel fabricators, in the event where there is and accident and the steels or materials happen to drop or damage any party of the property, public highways, cause injury or death, damage parked cars on the road or services such as telephone lines, gas, water, electricity or if the materials are delivered on site and the pavement or driveways sink or walls/roofs/windows, doors, stairs are damaged and such events then this liability relies within the that merchant or steel fabricator company to rectify and make good or pay any fines or legal costs. 

  63. In the event where steel fabricator produces the RSJ steels and the steels are not up to the standard or specifications set out by the engineer then steel fabricators would be liable to rectify any work and make good with accurate steels, in the event where the engineer has calculated the steels and the fabricators produce the steels based on the the engineering drawings but calculations turn out to be faulty and the design is wrong then the engineer that produced the drawings would be liable to make good and rectify any work required at the project locations. 

  64. In the event where the Building Control requires additional detailing and justifications of the drawings or structural drawings and calculation the client would be responsible and the engineer or architect to produce this additional detailing to the building control at their own expense. 

  65. In the event where there are changes to the design the company reserves the right to charge for the works additionally. in the event when there are changes to design once construction has started on site the company reserves the right to charge additionally. 

  66. If delays occur in any event the company will not be responsible for any liabilities or charges occurred by the customer in any event or reason. 

  67. Design phase, Construction phase deposit or booking fee is refundable within the 14 day period minus any consultation costs already conducted, admin fees and or travel expenses. After the 14 days the deposit or bookings fee becomes non refundable. If there was expenses that occurred then this will be deducted from the deposit. 

  68. Construction services or design services schedule is not guaranteed on the date specified by the company. Once the deposit is paid for construction services or design services then we will guarantee a start date of construction/design services, unless there are delays from design phases or unforeseen circumstances or construction/design of existing projects is delayed then the construction/design start dates specified will have to be rescheduled to another construction/design start date. The company does not accept any liability claims for delays or date movements or adjustments to when the design phases or construction phases start date will be. In any occurrence customers are encouraged to have minimum of 5 quotes for the construction services as this will allow comparison of construction services and should the client wish to use another company construction services they can. The customer make their own decisions who to use and when. The company is not liable for this decisions or influences any of the decisions that customers make. The company reserves the right to refuse or decline work at its own discretion. The company is not liable for any of the occurrences, delays, inconvenience, costs, compensation or any other event as a result of the work being declined or refused by the company and the company do not require to give reason.

  69. Once construction services deposit is paid the deposit is refundable within the 14 days minus any of work carried out by the company such as admin, preparation, attendances to the site location and time spend with client in person or via the phone, transport, consultation costs, construction costs, scaffolding costs, advertising costs to find new work, booking costs, or company subcontractors costs. After the 14 days the deposit becomes non refundable for any reason. 

  70. Lccl Construction owns the copyright to all the architecture drawings and they are subject to copyright. The drawings that are released to customers are in PDF format only, to read and comment only, for the sole use of the property the drawings that have been produced for. The DWG format drawings are not released and they are owned by Lccl Construction. The PDF drawings have one licence to the owner of the property this is to read only and comment. The customer can issue a written request to Lccl Construction asking to purchase the DWG format drawings under the Lccl Construction license however Lccl Construction can at its own discretion decide whether to grant or refuse the request with or without notice. Lccl Construction is under no obligation in any circumstance to sell the licences. Lccl Construction reserves to right to promote and market the drawings at its own discretion.

  71. Loss of business in events of of customers stopping work, company stopping work due to customers refusing to clear outstanding balance not only that there would be daily charges, profit losses, daily interest charges for which customer will be liable to pay for to company but also the loss of business charges as the company will then need to find other work and this would incur costs such as marketing costs, admin costs, accounting costs, estimating for work cost, insurance cost, travel cost to win new business for which customer will be liable to pay for. 

  72. This terms and all the clauses in this terms and conditions are fully accepted by the customer and the customer fully acknowledges that and the customer fully understands our terms and conditions and that the customer is happy with company terms and conditions at start of any company services, including using our website, construction services, design services, design and build services, any consultation services, free consultation services and any other services that the company offers.

  73. Estimated costs or quoted costs are valid for thirty days on design phases costs or construction costs.

  74. If there are any questions or clarifications required for our terms and conditions please get in touch with us. and we will aim to get back to you within 14 to 28 working days subject any investigations which may take longer to reply, company does not require to respond should it not wish to with or without notice. 


Finchley, London Office Location:

3rd Floor, Hathway House, Popes Dr, Finchley, London N3 1QF

Office Hours:

Monday to Saturday 8AM - 6PM

Sunday - Closed


020 8037 7332


Registered company England:

Loft Conversion Company London Limited. Trading as "Lccl Construction" Registration: 11713461

LCCL Construction

LCCL Construction

LCCL Construction Loft Conversion Company London Limited. Specialist loft conversion company, house extension builders, new build, house builders, architectural design and planning. Design and build construction company from start to finish including architecture, planning, building control, party walls, structural calculations, project management, construction and finishing.

Award winning construction company London and Hertfordshire

LCCL Construction is an award-winning construction company that has been recognised by NFB, LABC, and Houzz Awards for its exceptional construction services. With 18 years of experience in design and build, we are committed to delivering high-quality construction services to our clients. Trust us to bring your vision to life.

Labc Awards Regional Winner 2024 Lccl Construction
NFB Awards LCCL Construction
Best of Houzz awards 2024 Lccl Construction

Accreditation, partnerships and planning:

Lccl construction on houzz
LABC Registered Partner Lccl Construction
Planning Portal
Lccl Construction on Trustpilot


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Copyright 2006 - 2025 all rights received. Architecture services, house extension builders, loft conversion company and design and build company London & Hertfordshire, United Kingdom. By using our services you agree to our privacy policy and terms and conditions.

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